0.0.12 is Live for the Public!

Hey everyone!
0.0.12 is now live for the public. We have a DEVlog here as well that was a posted a few days ago.

Supporters can expect 0.0.13 on the 31st. Starting in April we are also planning to add additional benefits to a few tiers. Namely the Toe Dipper and Scuba tiers.

Changelog 0.0.12 RC (2/28/2023)

  • Added new H-CG scene with Lorraine
    -Also accessible in the gallery
    -Context for Lorraine scene
    -Note: It is missable!
  • Added early combat.
    -Access by talking to the guard looking dude in the gallery.
    -Note: This is all placeholder. This is simply for testing chasing and basic mechanics.
  • Sex stats will now track!
  • Added "Corruption" modifiers to certain actions.
    -During the game certain optional and non-optional events/choices will increase Emma's corruption. There will also be ways to decrease it in the future.
  • Added visual indicators to a few choices when they will affect Emma's corruption.
    -EX: Kazuma Flash
  • Reduced Message Window to three rows.
  • Reduced the volume of a few map change SFX's.
  • Updated various plugins
  • Changed an argument that may improve default performance on laptops with a dGPU.


  • Fixed dialogue when attempting to leave the onsen correctly reflects the stage of the MSQ.
  • Fixed a few weird BGM's playing at awkward times.


Accursed Emmas Path [v0.0.12] RC Fixed.zip 430 MB
Mar 14, 2023

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